
Operation of h plane-e plane-eh plane tee junctions

Question 1: Describe the operation of H-plane, E-plane and E-H plane Tee junctions. Why is a hybrid E-H phase Tee referred to as Magic Tee? Derive the scattering matrix for all of these Tees.

Question 2: Explain in detail the operation of a 2-hole directional coupler. Compute the coupling factor if the power in the primary waveguide is 72mW and the power delivered to the directional coupler is 8mW.

Question 3: Why are waveguide twists and bends constructed so that the direction of the propagated energy is gradually changed?

Question 4: Describe the functioning of flap and wave attenuators.

Question 5: What are waveguide joints? Illustrate their advantage and disadvantages.

Question 6: Describe the action of a rat-race junction.

Question 7: Write a note on waveguide Irises, Posts and Turning Screws.

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Physics: Operation of h plane-e plane-eh plane tee junctions
Reference No:- TGS03553

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