
Operation of different rear axle drives

Question 1:

Illustrate the terms Camber, steering axis inclination, caster, toe in and toe out. What are the effects of each on the steering characteristics of vehicle?

Question 2:

Why for front axle do we have I section in middle and elliptical section at the ends?

Question 3:

Illustrate clearly constructional details and operation of different rear axle drives. Illustrate your answer with neat and simple sketches.

Question 4:

Verify the main dimensions of the clutch and the axial force required. Suppose uniform wear.

Question 5:

In the gear box the clutch pinion has 14 teeth and the low gear major shaft pinion 30 teeth. The pinions which gear with them on the lay shaft have 32 and 18 teeth correspondingly. The axle ratio is 6 to 1 and the entire diameter of rear tire 0.915m. If the engine rpm is 1500, what is the speed of vehicle in low gear?

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Mechanical Engineering: Operation of different rear axle drives
Reference No:- TGS012763

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