
Operation and operating costing

Question 1:

What do you mean by the term operation costing and operating costing? Explain their necessary features and state where these can be helpfully implemented.

Question 2:

Illustrate the main objects of motor costing? A company owner has a fleet of vans and wishes to examine the costs of:

a) Each van.

b) The fleet as a whole.

Make a report on the accounting arrangements which are required and draft specimens of the forms which you propose for presentation to the directors. Show separate rates for fixed and variable expenses and state how these must be used.

Question 3:

Draw up a Performa cost statement for a canteen serving 1,000 workers in a factory. The canteen is subsidized by the factory.

Question 4:

Describe in brief the relevance of operating costs in transport and other public utility services.

Question 5:

What do you mean by the term service costing? Draw a statement with imaginary figures for working out the-running cost per kilometer of a taxi.

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Cost Accounting: Operation and operating costing
Reference No:- TGS08481

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