
Operation and characteristics of zener diode

1) Describe intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors with neat and suitable diagrams.

2) Explain the working of the PN junction diode with neat and suitable diagrams. Also describe its V-I characteristics.

3) What do you mean by a Zener diode? Describe the operation of Zener diode and sketch its characteristics.

4) Describe the operation of half wave rectifier with neat and suitable sketch and deduce the essential expression.

5) Describe the operation of centre tapped full wave rectifier with neat and suitable diagram.

6) Describe how are amplifiers categorized according to input?

7) Describe how are amplifiers categorized according to transistor configuration?

8) What are the various analysis available to analyze the transistor?

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Electrical Engineering: Operation and characteristics of zener diode
Reference No:- TGS011927

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