
Operation and characteristics of triac and diac

1) Write down the different regions in characteristics of UJT.

2) Explain the operation of zener diode and describe its characteristics in detail.

3) Describe the tunneling phenomenon in detail.

4) Write detailed notes on varactor diode and PIN diode.

5) Describe the laser action for laser diode in detail.

6) Explain the operation of LED and LCD in detail.

7) Describe the operation and characteristics of SCR.

8) Describe the operation and characteristics of TRIAC.

9) Describe the operation and characteristics of DIAC.

10) Explain the turn OFF mechanism which is used for SCR?

11) What do you mean by forward break over voltage and reverse break over voltage?

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Electrical Engineering: Operation and characteristics of triac and diac
Reference No:- TGS012009

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