
opening the airwayif a casualty has stopped

Opening the Airway

If a casualty has stopped breathing, first of all we should clear the airway of the victim, so that he/she could inhale fresh air. The procedure is as follows:

(1) Remove obvious obstructions covering the casualty's head and face. Loosen the clothing at the neck and waist.

(2) Clear the mouth of any blood, vomit and loose or false teeth. You may do so using your forefinger and the middle finger after wrapping a piece of cloth on these two fingers You may use the handle of a padded spoon.

(3) Place one hand over the jaw and the other hand on the forehead. Lift the neck and push the forehead backwards so that the chin is up the mouth should remain open.

This extension in of the head and neck lifts the tongue forward clear of the airway If the tongue does not fall forward, pull it forward with finger. In same cases, it is sufficient to rest the casualty's breathing. If breathing starts, place him (or her) in the recovery position.


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Science: opening the airwayif a casualty has stopped
Reference No:- TGS0266577

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