
Open and closed-ended

Questions: Open and closed-ended :

The discussion this week provides a way for you to practice, in writing, using both open and closed questions. Participating in this activity is an excellent way of developing intentional skill in forming good questions verbally during counseling sessions. Good questions are questions that make a person think. These kinds of questions deepen a counseling session, and they only come from a counselor who is listening and thinking critically.

Proxemics and Haptics:

These refer to use of touch with clients (haptics), and the physical distance (proxemics) between us and our clients. Whether or not we touch our clients is best when it is an intentional choice based upon the individual, their history, their culture, and their comfort with touch. Since counselors meet clients before we really know much about them we must be sensitive to their body language in order to try and discern whether or not, for instance, we shake their hand. With awareness we can identify whether they are extending their hand or reaching for a hug, and we must respond to these clues accurately and appropriately. How far we stand or sit from our clients is also dependent upon individual and cultural factors. Being aware of the comfort of a client with distance is part of the job of a competent counselor.


Reframing is a way of re-stating something a client says in a positive manner. These kinds of statements on the part of the client can be self-judgment, other judgment, or a situation in which the client finds themselves. Reframing is a way of presenting a hopeful and optimistic perspective that is characteristic of counseling. This must not be done in such a way as to minimize a client’s experience, but instead provide them with an alternative way of seeing things that is based upon the truth. You will grow more peaceful inside because you have learned to reframe events in your own life through practicing this skill with clients.

Nonverbal Communication of Clients:

This skill is demonstrated when the counselor verbally uses an observation of a non-verbal cue provided by a client. For instance: “You smile as you say that…is that happiness, nervousness or something else…?” In your video demonstration you will notice the nonverbal communication of your mock client and react to this appropriately and record it in the transcription.


Why is this client here? Why now?

During every session it is important to figure out the contract, or why the person is there. It is important to demonstrate “going deeper” through focusing upon the “contract” of the session. Counselors aid the client in staying focused and do not follow “rabbit trails” or get caught up in distracting content. Counselors guide the focus of a session by using micro-skills such as:

• Thought provoking open and closed ended questions;
• Artful interruption and redirection;
• By what they choose to emphasize in paraphrasing content;
• By which feelings or meaning-making they choose in reflecting feelings

Counselors help clients uncover deeper layers – from superficial feelings to deeper and more vulnerable ones to the meanings and significance of events and feelings.

Logical Consequences:

Many clients come to counseling feeling stuck. They often do not logically consider the results of their actions. The skill of using logical consequences is easily demonstrated by asking the open question: “so what do you think will happen next if you do that?” For instance a prison inmate told me that he planned on punching a fellow inmate because that inmate’s 2 year old son had taken a toy from his own 2 year old son in the visiting room the day before. When I asked him questions to logically figure out the consequences to this “plan” he talked himself out of it. As you can see the skill of “logical consequences” directly relates to the skill of open and closed questions.

Helpful Hint: You may find after the video is all recorded that you have missed demonstrating a skill. Provide in the Comments section of the transcription form where you think the skill might have been used appropriately and exactly how the skill would look and sound.
List of Key Microskills and Stages Used
Intervention Abbreviation

1. Attending Behaviors AB

2. Encouraging ENC

3. Paraphrasing and checkout P&C

4. Reflection of feeling RF

5. Proxemics and/or haptics PR or HA

6. Nonverbal Communication Of Client (mentioned or used) NV-CL

7. Silence S

8. Information/Psychoeducation I/P

9. Open Question OQ Closed Question CQ

10. Reframing RFR

11. Focusing F

12. Logical Consequences LC

13. Confrontation CON

14. Self-Disclosure/Feedback SD

15. Rapport Stage RS

16. Contract Stage CS

17. Focus Stage FOC

18. Funnel Stage FUN

19. Closing Stage CS

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