
op code format as we have seen in the

Op code Format

As we  have seen  in the  section that  the first  byte of all the instruction is the  op code. microprocessors  reads this  op code  and decodes it  to identify  the operation to be  performed.

In this  section we will  examine  how  these  op code  are formed.

 The instruction which  use registers  or register  Paris  as their  operands  contain t followings  codes  somewhere in  their  op code  byte.

formation of op code of some  of the  instruction are  explained below. Readers ae not  suppose  to remember the op code. They can  op codes  of few  instruction if they  remember  their  op code  formats .


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Electrical Engineering: op code format as we have seen in the
Reference No:- TGS0262618

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