Only perform this function if the email address submitted is valid and its limit has not been exceeded, and of course the original reporter name and password Authentication has been authenticated. Refer to the IT 202 Manual for the technique. Be sure to define the input arguments for the PHP mail function before invoking the mail function.
$from your own email address.
$to email address entered on form - not a hardcoded email address.
$message body of the email should be the contents of the textarea from the form,
$subject "Incident_report" - plus date of incident - plus reporter name
The email message content must be laid out in a readable fashion which requires using control characters like newline characters to skip lines in the body of the message. Construct the message body by starting off with an empty message: $message = "" ;
Concatenate additional text on the end of the message using the PHP concatenation operator (dot . and .= ):
$message .= "This gets added after whatever you have in the message so far. ";
$message .= "Add newlines and carriage returns \n\r to organize the text out";