
Online shopping cart for lsquosunshine mens clothing

ONLINE SHOPPING CART for ‘Sunshine Men's Clothing'

Introduction: This assignment asks you to build an Online shopping cart using php. This assignment will be submitted in two parts. The first part will include a documentation whereas the second one is the programming element.

Elements of Web design:

1. HTML home page:

a. You need to design a basic HTML webpage that acts like a homepage.
b. An image that acts as a link from the homepage should take Customers to an online shopping page.

2. Online Shopping Page:

a. On the Online Shopping page, Customers can browse online looking through images of men's clothes.

3. Information page:

a. When clicked on an image, more information on the product must be displayed in a new page.
b. Adjacent to the product must be an option to ‘Add this product to Cart' button.
c. There should be an option for customers to order up to 5 quantities of each product.

4. Shopping Cart page:

a. When ‘Add this product to Cart' button is pressed (on information page), it needs to be directed to a page that shows the shopping cart so far. Couple of links on this page are crucial.
b. Using one link, the Customers must be able to go back to the Online Shopping Pageand be able to add more products onto the cart
c. Using the other link, Customers must be able to Checkout.

5. Checkout page:

a. When Customers click on Checkout option, all products along with their description and individual price must be displayed. Also, total price must be displayed.
b. At this stage, Customers must be asked to enter their Name and email address. (No other details of Customers are required to be stored)

6. Final page:

a. This will be just a page that displays a ‘Thank you! We will be in touch' message along with Customer's ORDERID.

Part 1: Design and Documentation.
You are required to submit a single Word (.doc/x) document containing the following in this order. Label each diagram and provide a description/explanation for your design with each diagram. Submit via the submission link on iLearn.

1. Data-flow diagram
2. Database design
3. Screen Design
4. Screen Flow/Navigation

Part 2: Implementation
You are required to submit a .zip/.tar file with the following files in iLearn:

1. Database Creation(.sql file)
2. HTML,CSS &Php files
3. Test Cases.

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Management Information Sys: Online shopping cart for lsquosunshine mens clothing
Reference No:- TGS01001603

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