
Online digital broadcast media



In groups of 3 to 4, complete the activity based on material presented in lecture and lab, and from the textbook. You should be working on these scenarios as a group.

Designate different members of your group to be responsible for the following:

1. Keeping your group on task and mindful of the time

2. Typing & submitting your group's response

3. Presenting your group's answers to the class


Names of Group Members (your name must be listed here to receive credit!):






Background: Many corporations and organizations rely on online digital broadcast media (videos, podcasts, etc.) to help spread awareness about who they are and what they do. These regular media posts are often original content that alsoserve as self-promotion. As student interns working in the Media and Public Relations Office, your group creates regular podcasts about university life and the college experience, that also serve to help encourage high school seniors to apply to George Mason University.

Your Task: Write a script for a 1-2 minute podcast (roughly 150-250 words) highlighting a positive aspect of college life here at George Mason University that indirectly implies that GMU is a good place to go to college. You can choose to craft a general message (something that would be useful to all prospective students) or you can focus on a specific academic discipline, athletic program, or some other unique characteristic.


Background: The members of the project team (of which you are the leader) have enthusiastically embraced blogging as an internal communication medium. Unfortunately, as emotions heat up during the project, some of the blog posts are getting too casual, too personal, and even sloppy. Your boss and other company managers can also access this project blog, and you don't want the team to look unprofessional in anyone's eyes.

Your Task:Focusing on tone (the attitude conveyed through word choice), revise the following blog post so that it communicates the project status in a more businesslike manner while retaining the conversational style of a blog.

The following information should be conveyed in the revised blog post:

• Project status

• What happened

• Concerns for future

OriginalBlog Post: Well, to the profound surprise of absolutely nobody, we are not going to be able to meet the December 1 commitment to ship 100 operating tables to Southeast Surgical Supply (for those of you who have been living in a cave the past six months, we have been fighting to get our hands on enough high-grade steel to meet our production schedule.) Sure enough, we got news this morning that we will only get enough steel for 30 tables. Yes, we look like fools for not being able to follow through on promises we made to Southeast Surgical Supply, but no, this didn't have to happen. Six months ago, the Purchasing Department warned us about shrinking supplies and suggested we advance-buy as much steel as we could need for the next 12 months. We naturally tried to follow their advice but just as naturally were shot down by the bean counters at corporate who trotted out the official policy about never buying more than three months worth of materials in advance. Of course, it'll be us, not the bean counters, who'll take the flak when our bosses start asking why revenues are down next quarter and why Southeast is no longer a customer. Maybe someday this company will get its head out of the sand and realize that we need to have some financial flexibility in order to compete.



Scenario: You are part of the social media team for your company and, as such, your team is responsible for introducing new productsonline. Your company wants its products to go viral,and expects you to develop advertisements for specific demographics.

Your Task:
You will be developing two campaigns for two different demographics, using the same product.

As a group, choose two different demographics (e.g., age, sex/gender, race, economic status). Make sure to be clear and specific when deciding which demographic you will be appealing to.

Then, pick your product, any product (you can even make up a product). Once you have a product in mind, decide which social media outlet is the most appealing for each of your chosen demographics.

Finally, prepare a promotional messageof your product for each demographic using the chosen social media outlet.

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Prepared by a verified Expert
Business Management: Online digital broadcast media
Reference No:- TGS01789963

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