
One year old or lemon is 08 01 and01 respectively compute

You and your friends just rented a car from enterprise for an 8,000 mile cross-country road trip to see all of the lights from outside of el paso. Your rental car may be of three different types: brand new (and not a lemon), nearly new, or a lemon (bound to break down). That many miles can be demanding on a rental car. If it is nearly new, it will break down with probability 0.1. If it is just a lemon, it will break down with a probability 0.85. the probability that the car enterprise gives you a car that is new, One year old, or lemon is 0.8, 0.1, and0.1, respectively. Compute the probability that your car is going to break down on your road trip.

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Biology: One year old or lemon is 08 01 and01 respectively compute
Reference No:- TGS02513059

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