The language L = {an-1bn} where n ≥1, is a language of all words with the following properties:
- The words are made up of strings of a's followed by b's.
- The number of a's is always one a less than number of b's.
- Examples of words that belong to L are:
b, where n=1;
abb, where n=2;
aabbb, where n=3;
aaabbbb, where n=4.
One way to test if a word w belong to this language is to use a stack to check if the number of a's balance the number of b's. Use the provided header and provide a function isLanguageL that uses a stack to test if any word belong to L.
bool isInLanguageL(string w);
Note the following:
- Only words belonging to L should be accepted.
- The word bba does not belong to L.
- Do not count the number of a's or b's.