
One way to monitor global warming is to measure the average

One way to monitor global warming is to measure the average tempof the ocean . Researches are doin ghtis by measuring the time ittakes sound pilses to travel underwater over large distance. At adepth of 1000 m where ocean temps hold steady near 4 C, the averagesoud speed is 1480 m/s. its known from laboratorymeasurements that the sound speed increases 4.0m/s for every 1.0 Cincrease in temp. In one experiment, where sounds generated nearcalifornia are detected in the south pacific, the sound wavestravel 8000 km. if the smallest time change that can be reliablydetected is 1.0s, what is the smallest change in average temp thatcan be measured?

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Physics: One way to monitor global warming is to measure the average
Reference No:- TGS0827937

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