Locate the data set "SPSS_CUST.sav" and open it with SPSS (see attached). Follow the steps in section 8.10 Learning Activity as written. Answer all of the questions in the activity based on your observations of the SPSS output. answers need to be in a Word document and has to include supporting graphs or tables from the SPSS output .
here are the questions:
- One variable is the customer survey asked about agreement that SPSS products are a good value (gdvalue). a second question asked about agreement tthat SPSS offers high quality products (hiquality). Use a paired samples t test to see whether the means of these two questions differ (they are measured on a 5 point scale). what do you conclude?
- then test whether there is a mean difference between agreement that SPSS products are easy to learn (easylm) and SPSS products are easy to use (easyuse). what do you conclude?
- Could we use a paired sample t test to compare how long a customer has used SPSS products (usespss) and how frequently they use SPSS (freqspss)? why or why not?