
One type of slingshot can be made from a length of rope and

One type of slingshot can be made from a length of rope and aleather pocket for holding the stone. The stone can be thrown bywhirling it rapidly in a horizontal circle and releasing it at theright moment. Such a slingshot is used to throw a stone from theedge of a cliff, the point of release being 18.0 m above the base of the cliff. The stonelands on the ground below the cliff at a point X. Thehorizontal distance of point X from the base of the cliff(directly beneath the point of release) is thirty times the radiusof the circle on which the stone is whirled. Determine the angular speed of the stone at the moment of release.

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Physics: One type of slingshot can be made from a length of rope and
Reference No:- TGS0827862

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