
One other area that is somewhat related to outsourcing is

One other area that is somewhat related to outsourcing is offshoring. Tom Friedman in his book, The World Is Flat, spoke about offshoring as s the relocation of a process from one country to another, typically an operational process, such as manufacturing, or supporting processes, such as accounting. Typically this refers to a company business, however governments may also employ offshoring. Offshoring can cause havoc in a company's domestic country since it is perceived to impact the domestic employment situation negatively.

If you have not read Friedman's book, I encourage you to buy it. You are living in the environment he speaks of. Here is a short summary of his classic : https://staff.washington.edu/rel2/geog100-UW/SUPPLEMENTARY/flat-world_summary.htm

CLASS: Offer an example you have seen with respect to offshoring. How has offshoring impacted the firm and its employees? Would you support offshoring of specific processes in your current enterprise? Why or why not? minimum 250 words

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Business Management: One other area that is somewhat related to outsourcing is
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