One of the ways to figure out what benefits employees want and need is to ask the employees for their input via survey or company meeting. As the CEO, I would give employees benefits that will matter to them and motivate them to be productive and efficient. Most employees expected health insurance, dental, long-term and short-term disability insurance. In addition, I would give employees at the minimum 3 weeks paid vacation time, tuition assistance, free snacks and beverages, professional training, free gym membership, and an all-expense paid vacation to a destination of their choice. Being a small company should not be used as an excuse to not offer employees fringe benefits. While small companies may be limited in financial resources they should make an attempt to show their appreciation for their employees even if it is giving them time of with pay. Some small companies think that giving employees a salary is enough, but giving employees benefits that they need and want will be beneficial to the employer because employees will be motivated and do their job effectively. Companies do not have to offer employees all the benefits that they want but they can give them at least one or two benefits.
Milkovich, G., Newman, J. (2016). Compensation (12th ed). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.