
One of the positions the benefits brochure should be the

Assignment 3: Benefits Brochure

To prepare for the employee who will be occupying the role, create an employee benefits brochure that you would present to new employees during their initial orientation.

Include in this brochure mandatory and discretionary benefits that are used in your industry.

The brochure should be 6-8 pages with a professional appearance and should be modeled after a professional booklet from your company, a former company, or a company you would like to work for.

Hint: Research various Microsoft brochure templates to create a professional booklet.

NOTE: One of the positions the benefits brochure should be the most applicative to is the job in your description from Week 3. Find creative ways to incorporate your work from that assignment into this one.

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Dissertation: One of the positions the benefits brochure should be the
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