
One of the most important rules of investing is that

One of the most important rules of investing is that investors demand returns which compensate them for the risk to which they are being exposed. For this example, assume that the dividend/stock price ratio is a proxy for this risk/return relationship that investors require. The dividend/stock price ratio is known as the Dividend Yield. Use these rules as a basis for your answer: Any decision that improves EPS will also improve the stock price. If the risk of the firm remains constant, then the dividend / stock price ratio will remain constant. If the risk of the firm increases, then an adjustment will have to be made to the ratio to improve the investor's percentage return. If the risk of the firm decreases, then an adjustment will occur which reduces the investor's percentage return. Dividend Yield = Dividend ($) / Stock Price ($) T. Boone Farms, Inc. has just acquired another firm which has a very successful product line, strong management, and a healthy balance sheet. T. Boone Farms, Inc. expects its EPS to increase about 10%. However, the firm intends to maintain its current payout ratio. The financial risk of the combined firm will remain unchanged. T. Boone Farm's stock price will likely A) increase. B) decrease. C) remain unchanged.

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Operation Management: One of the most important rules of investing is that
Reference No:- TGS01542591

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