One of the most fascinating features of the global economy is that governments have such different ideas about what makes for a dynamic business climate, and so do other elements of society. Of course, these ideas and the government policies that go with them condition the threats, opportunities, and hurdles faced by firms at home and abroad. Please complete a 1800-2000 word-long analytical paper that addresses the following question:
In what ways, if at all, will the recent implementation of Australia's "Carbon Tax" affect the strategies of firms located in Australia and their domestic and international competitiveness? Use corporate examples from selected industries and countries to support your argument.
Need to added in assignment Porter's Diamond Of Competitive Advantage.

Your report will be assessed based on the following criteria:
Word count requirement:
Assignment must be use in Australian industry .
- A clear, informative introduction and well summarized conclusion with the key elements of your argument,
- Good understanding of different elements of national/international business environments, of how government policies can influence their country's competitiveness, and what the implications are for firms.
- Use sufficient and appropriate material and apply relevant concepts/perspectives/theories effectively support the key points.
- A clear logical flow between paragraphs and demonstrate the ability to critically reflect upon key ideas/issues.
- Integration of content and literature written skills