
One of the major projects of this course is to learn how to

Question: Research and Context: The Catcher in the Rye

One of the major projects of this course is to learn how to write a substantial research paper. This learning process includes selecting a topic, doing research, evaluating sources, taking notes, using the writing process to produce multiple drafts, and writing a works cited page in MLA documentation style. These skills will be important for you not only in your future classes, but also in careers and in everyday life. Literary research can help you to better understand the works of literature you study in English class; it enhances your reading experience and supplements any literary analyses you will undertake.

The milieu of a work of literature is the physical or social setting in which the action of the story occurs or develops. In other words, it is the social and historical context. The Catcher in the Rye, the classic American story of Holden Caulfield, a teenager who tries to make sense of his life, was written by J.D. Salinger in 1951. The story itself is set around this time, and it has been on high school reading lists since John F. Kennedy was in the White House.

Many students today still find something in common with Holden, his teenage preoccupations and angst, but the fact remains that a lot of the context, including the language and American culture, is outdated to the modern teenage reader. In order for you to better understand Holden's experiences you will spend some time getting a sense of the times in which Holden lived, while at the same time learning the research.

Research Paper Key Traits


• Presents a thesis statement that identifies the controlling idea of the paper

• Supports the thesis with relevant and convincing evidence

• Synthesizes information from multiple sources, correctly quoting or paraphrasing those sources

• Includes the writer's own ideas and interpretations


• Follows a clear organizational pattern, using transitions to connect ideas


• Uses a tone that is suited to the audience, purpose, and subject

• Reflects the writer's enthusiasm for the topic


• Uses precise language to convey ideas clearly


• Varies sentence lengths and structures


• Employs correct grammar and usage

• Credits sources properly

• Uses correct formats and style

LENGTH REQUIREMENT: 5 paragraphs (minimum)

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