
One of my favorite movies is coach carter i love how samuel

Question: Part 1: One of my favorite movies is Coach Carter, I love how Samuel L. Jackson established coach presence and overall his group or in this case team identity. I. Coach Davis, would take some of those characters, the first thing I would do is establish goals that we wished to achieve as a team.

a. Way to enhance social support: Coach Davis, would take a look at the team's roster, identify key players and identify those that I needed to develop. You're only as strong as your weakest link, and in the game of basketball is no individual, you win together and you lose together. I would meet with each player individually and gather insight before I talked to everyone as a group.

b. Ways to increase proximity: As the coach of this new team, I would concentrate on doing things together on and off the court. Things that increases the team morale, i.e., bowling etc. The better the chemistry off the court will make it that much better on the court.

c. Ways to increase group distinctiveness: We would come up with a warm-up CD that will play during warmups before the game starts. The team wants to have game shirts, matching shoes and socks that shows that we are together. We will also come up with a team motto that we will chant during the huddles.

d. Ways to create a perception of fairness: I will have it to where they knew they had to earn every minute of playing time. I wouldn't want their perception in their minds to become a reality for them. The team would pick their leaders,and I would have no input in who would start I would allow it to be on them and I would make changes as I should during the game only.

e. Ways to increase similarity: I would gather up everyone's individual goal and have a team goal that was similar to have a collective one. They would know so much about each other on and off the court to the point that they knew the similarities of one another.

Part 2: If I were a new basketball coach and believed that my team would be better if it formed a group identity, I would start with a meeting for all my support staff and lay out my vision for the team. I would do this first in hopes of developing team cohesiveness. I would lay out the roles and expectations for all my staff. Next, I would have a meeting with all my players and lay out all the roles and expectations for them. The first practice would be a lock-in where all the players and coaches would have an opportunity to express what they will bring to the team and to most importantly develop proximity. At this lock-in I would present each player and coach with a special team shirt with the motto for the season printed on the front. This would be done to add distinctiveness to the team. Throughout the season I would have several one on one meetings with my coaching staff and players to ensure that they believed that they were being treated fairly. If there were issues, I would address them immediately. I would make sure that everyone knew my method for deciding who got what amount of playing time to make sure that I was always seen as being fair. I would also constantly express my goals and commitments to the team in hopes that they would adopt similar goals. Finally, I would ensure that all team members feel as though they are part of the team.

Part 3: I think one of the best ways to develop a team identity is come up with a team name. Naming things from pets, to groups, makes one feel like they are part of something, like they have a family. After a name, coming up with a tagline or a mission statement for recovery would also be very important. Perhaps even going so far as team shirts, which we could all wear while we participate in our rehab program. Also creating a phone tree, or text message tree, so that we could all stay in contact with each other no matter where we are, so if we find we need support or motivation. By having a team captain that the team themselves voted on, we could increase a perception of fairness. I believe in constant affirmations. So no matter what progress a team member is making, if we all make sure to boost each other and reiterate what a good effort people are putting in, it will be much easier to motivate each other. As a coach, I would also like to do a monthly survey, where it asked the team members what they like and dislike, what exercises are hardest versus too easy, and then work on coming up compromises, as well as implement new suggestions team members might have.

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Dissertation: One of my favorite movies is coach carter i love how samuel
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