Question: Theories of personality
Elaborate two interesting, provoked meaningful discussions, one for each topic. 300 words each topic
Topic 1: If you wanted to REALLY find out about a person's personality, how would you go about it? Would interaction be the key or would you prefer to use a personality test (if you could)? Would simple observation be the key? Think about how many times we make judgments about people's personality based on very little information (ie, choosing a President, choosing a lover or even a spouse, choosing a babysitter for our child). We often know much less about these people than we think. How could we do a better job of assessing the personality of "important" people in our lives?
Topic 2: One of Freud's more interesting concepts is that of the Oedipus complex-boys subconsciously lust after their mothers, want to kill their fathers, and eventually model themselves after their fathers so they can hook up with a girl like dear old mom. Do you see any evidence for or against the Oedipus complex in boys? What about the Electra Complex (including penis envy) in girls?