
One measure used to describe a data set is the range the

1. Find the median of each set of numbers.

1, 4, 9, 15, 25, 36

2. Find the mode of each set of numbers.

a. 41, 43, 56, 67, 69, 72

b. 9, 8, 10, 9, 9, 10, 8

3.  Statistics. A salesperson drove 238, 159, 87, 163, and 198 miles (mi) on a 5-day trip. What was the mean number of miles driven per day?

4. Business and finance. The following scores were recorded on a 200-point final examination: 193, 185, 163, 186, 192, 135, 158, 174, 188, 172, 168, 183, 195, 165, 183.

(a) Find the mean final examination score.

(b) Find the median final examination score.

(c) Is the mean or median a more useful representative of the final examination scores? Write a brief paragraph justifying your response.


Continent or Region          Land Area          % of earth        Population          Population            Population
                                      (1,000 mi2)                                  1900                 1950                    2000
North America                      9,400                  16.2          106,000,000      221,000,000         305,000,000
South America                     6,900                  11.9          38,000,000        111,000,000         515,000,000
Europe                                3,800                  6.6           400,000,000       392,000,000         510,000,000
Asia (including Russia)          17,400                30.1          932,000,000       1,591,000,000     4,028,000,000
Africa                                  11,700                20.2          118,000,000       229,000,000         889,000,000
Oceana (including Australia)   3,300                  5.7           6,000,000           12,000,000          32,000,000
Antarctica                            5,400                  9.3           Uninhabited                -                         -
World total                          57,900                                1,600,000,000     2,556,000,000      6,279,000,000

Use the world population and land area table in the tex. Round answers to the nearest tenth or tenth of a percent.

i. (a) What is the population of Europe in 2000?

(b) What is the total area of Europe?

ii. Compare the population per square mile in Asia to the population per square mile in North America for the year 2000.

iii. What is the percent increase in the population for all six inhabited continents, excluding Asia, from 1950 to 2000?

iv. What was the percent increase in the population in South America from 1900 to 2000?

v. (a) What was the mean population of the six continents or land masses that were habitable in 2000?

(b) What was the mean population in 1950?

(c) What was the percent increase in the mean population from 1950 to 2000?

6. Use the graph below, showing the number of robberies in a town during the last 6 months of a year.

463_Graph for number of robberies in a town.png

i. How many robberies occurred in November?

ii. What was the mean number of robberies per month over the last 6 months?

iii. The graph and table below give the monthly principal and interest payments for a mortgage from 1999 to 2004. Use this information to predict the payment for 2005.

Year        Payment

1999           $578

2000             613

2001             654

2002             675

2003             706

2004             730


2171_The monthly principal and interest payments.png

7. The table below gives the median earnings of women aged 25 and older who work full-time, year round, by educational attainment, according to the 2000 census.

Education                                Earnings

HS diploma or GED                    $23,719

Associate's degree                     30,178

Bachelor's degree                      38,208

Master's degree                         47,049

Doctorate's degree                    55,620

Create a bar graph from this information.

The following pie chart shows the budget for a local company. The total budget is $600,000. Find the amount budgeted in each of the following categories.

1015_Pie chart for the budget for a local company.png

8. Operating expenses

The following pie chart shows the distribution of a person's total yearly income of $24,000. Find the amount budgeted for each category.

2115_Pie chart for persons total yearly income.png

9. The following table gives the number of Senate members with military service in the 106th U.S. Congress, by branch.

Branch         Count

Army                17

Navy                 10

Air Force           4

Marines              6

Coast Guard       1

National Guard   2

Construct a pie chart from this information.

11. Find the median of each set of numbers.

26, 30, 38, 67, 59, 21, 17, 85, 22, 22

12. Give the five-number summary of each set of numbers.

7, 7, 5, 4, 1, 9, 8, 8, 8, 5, 2

13. One measure used to describe a data set is the range. The range of a data set is given by the difference between the max and the min of the set. The range describes the variability of the data (that is, how much do the numbers vary).

Range = max - min

Find the range of each set of numbers.

7, 7, 5, 4, 1, 9, 8, 8, 8, 5, 2

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Algebra: One measure used to describe a data set is the range the
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