
One marine invertebrate species to profile

Choose one marine invertebrate species to profile. Be very specific about the species. For example, do not just choose "clam;" rather, pick a specific species, for example, squamosa clam (rTidacna squamosa).

•Include the following information in the profile you write: habitat, diet, life cycle and reproductive strategies, predators, and any other interesting information. .
Your participation in online discussions is a big part of your grade in online classes. You are expected to maintain a regular and insightful discussion on course content through the discussion board, and everyone is graded on his or her contribution.

If you want to succeed in the online discussion boards, here are a few things to keep in mind: make your post engaging, interesting, and long enough to completely cover the material. It is helpful to think of the post as more of a mini-paper than a simple contribution to a discussion. If you take information or ideas directly from another source you must cite your sources within the discussion post. 

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Reference No:- TGS0106594

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