
One key for any organization competing in the global market

One key for any organization competing in the global market place is to understand diverse cultures. Now, as you have discovered during this class, conflict resolution is difficult enough, but consider the extra issues that would be present when considering some individuals involved in these scenarios we have studied, are from different cultures!

Geert Hofstede has studied cultural diversity and its impact on organizations. There has been developed "Hofstede's Five Dminensions of Cultural Differences" which allows for plotting of individual cutures on five separate continuums:

Individualism <-------------> Collectivism

High power distance <---------------> Low power distance

High uncertainty avoidance <--------------> Low uncertainty avaoidance

Masculinity <---------------------> Femininity

Long-term orientation <--------------------> Short-term orientation


Use this link to familiarize youself with Hofstede and the work on culture. Next, choose a different culture than your own and discuss how many of the conflict resolution, negotiation, collaborating, and mediating ideas may have to be modified if you were involved with someone from this other culture and trying to come to resolution. Also discuss any ethical or moral issues which may impact the collaboration. The paper should be 3-4 pages in length, and is due by the end of the day on Tuesday of WEEK 6. This assignment is worth 30 points.

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Reference No:- TGS0946107

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