1.One hundre cubic meter of gas at-34.6c celcius and 200kpa in absolute pressure is compressed to a volume of 25 cubic meter and an absolute pressure of 1000kpa. what is the new temperature, in degrees celsius?
2.To raise the temperature of120 lb of tin from77f degree to 97fdegree require134.btu. what is the approximate specific heat of tin?
3.The air is enclosed in a tenis ball under is under exacly1 atmosphere of pressure on a cool day when temperature is 10c celsius assuming tha the volume of the enclosed air remain the same,calculate percent increase in presure when the temperature rise to35c celsius?
4.How much flow human lung can deliver cold soda and/or water ?
5.A plastic tube is lowered to a depth of 30 meters from the top intoa observation well. The bottom of the tube is open and is in water.Air is pumped into the tube, and 5E4 N/m2 airpressure is required to make bubbles begin to come up the wellwater. What is the depth to water?