
One health condition that you want to research

This project is designed to show your knowledge of how to apply what you have learned into practice. Your assignment is to choose one health condition that you want to research. Examples of conditions to choose include: Weight Loss, Heart Disease, Depression, Anxiety, Fibromyalgia, Sports Enhancement, etc. Once you have done your research, create a supplement that you would put on the market to aid in the healing of the condition that you chose. Additionally, your project is to write a five page report on why you chose the ingredients that you did.
Include all of the following in this report: 

•Herbs, Vitamins, Minerals, Accessory Nutrients. There needs to be at least five ingredients in your product. Two vitamins and/or minerals and three accessory nutrients and/or herbs.

•Explain the rationale for choosing each ingredient.

•Any potential contraindications or concerns that someone may have in taking this product.

•Dosages (how many times per day, quantities)

•Forms of nutrient 

•What would you include on the label and why

This project should follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.). Your writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful. Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics.
This project should be a written report that is at least five pages in length and in APA format (12 pt. font, double spaced, proper referencing in the body of the paper as well as on a references 

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Biology: One health condition that you want to research
Reference No:- TGS082045

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