Instructions for project
The project topic should be related to reliability analysis of a (1) product, (2) part, or a (3) system, e.g. manufacturing or service.
- One good practice is approaching a manufacturing company and focusing on one of the older machineries and/or products
- Another approach is choosing a simple product like a paper clip, buy/ make a number of them... and conduct test/analysis on that
- The project report must contain the follow in pieces:
- Project scope and background
Including existing procedures /methods for quality control, reliability analysis, and/or preventive maintenance if any.
Current tolerance limit
historical data on number of claims, failures, defects ,... if any.
Failure Modes Effects and Analysis
Identification of the problem/s failure/s to be addressed
Importance of the problem (cost, frequency,...)
Engineering analysis of the design
Data Collection
Data gathering/generation plan/strategies ( available databases / simulation/ running test/ handbooks, and source of information should be discussed)
Overall and detailed reliability models
(Reliability) block diagram of the system and/or system flow chart with enough details
System reliability calculation (using parallel-series analysis ,...., fault tree analysis, )
Statistical Analysis of data using Minitab
Including identification of the best fitting distribution/model, parameters estimation, plots,...
Suggestions for improvement
Wiley Series in System Engineering and Management by Andrew P.Sage
Reliability Engineering by Kailash C. Kapur and Michael Pecht