
Once youve read roughly the first half of the chapter write

Begin reading "Faith, Hope, and Asperity" by John Casti. For this assignment, plan to read roughly the first half of the excerpt, and then to finish the chapter for next week.

Once you've read roughly the first half of the chapter, write a brief 1-2 page response paper in which you work to identify the major themes and concerns that Casti presents in this article, and to consider how and why these issues are important considerations.  Keep in mind that this is an informal "writing to learn" assignment.  The most important things are to begin working with and exploring the issues that Casti brings up, and to do your best to avoid extensive summary or judgment.  Please upload this response paper to your Expressions site (or whichever alternative you are using), copy the url and paste it under the assignment link on Blackboard.

In addition to your response paper, please also write 2 or 3 specific questions about Casti's article that you think will help encourage a thoughtful discussion of the article and its concepts.  Bring these questions with you to class.

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Dissertation: Once youve read roughly the first half of the chapter write
Reference No:- TGS02176245

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