Using the LTC 501 and 502 manuals as resources, create a 17+ slide presentation using the topics below (15 slides for content, plus a title slide and at least one slide for references/appendices). Your final presentations will be at least 17 slides, including the title page and reference page.
Please choose 15 topics of interest to you from the LTC 501 and 502 manuals which you believe are paramount/important to the field of athletic administration. Once you have chosen your topics, develop your PowerPoint presentation utilizing themes, clip art or multi-media elements to convey your understanding of the nuances of the profession. Remember to be thorough and concise. Please be cognizant of Bucchi's (2012) academic PowerPoint notes.
Possible topics include (but are not limited to):
- character development
- written correspondence
- eligibility
- dealing with parental complaints
- developing relationships with stakeholders
- education-based athletics
- coaching character traits
- coaching philosophy
- coaching as a teaching station
- the role of the NFHS in interscholastic athletics
- NIAAA certification program
- governance structure of the NIAAA
- the NIAAA code of ethics
- RAA vs. CAA vs. CMAA
- athletic budgeting
- coaching stipends
- facility scheduling
- conflict resolution
- playing time issues
- game/event management
- sports marketing
- coaching interview questions
- emergency action plans
- coaching contracts
- booster clubs
- harassment policies
- athletic code policies
- training rules
- public relations
- sport promotions
- fundraising
- award/lettering policies
- communication plan