Business Law - 3 Year Option, 16th Edition by Jane Mallor; A. James Barnes; L. Thomas Bowers; Arlen Langvardt
Part I
1 What are three differences you can identify between a Trial Court (refer to our Textbook) and Judge Cristina's television program? [See link provided in this unit.]
2 In terms of the resolution of private disputes, what purpose does Judge Cristina serve?
Part II
(Short Essay Format -- minimum 100 words per answer)
You must give the Source(s) of your answers (textbooks; websites etc.) to avoid receiving a low grade.
3 Define "Jurisdiction."
4 On what bases could a private dispute be decided in Federal Court?
5 What is the result of a Motion to Dismiss if the moving party is successful?
6 Define "Enforcing a Judgment."
7 How does ADR compare to Civil Litigation?