
On january 1 2015 jackson delivery services entered into a


Using the book and class discussions, the objective for the student taking this exam is to use what was learned during class and from the reading assignments, to answer each question following the IRAC format. Additionally, the student taking this exam is expected to answer each question it its entirety, i.e. provide an answer that demonstrates that the student knows how to fully complete the legal process from beginning to end. The applicable rule(s) for each question/scenario is in the book and/or was discussed in class. Each written question is worth 50 points (5 points for IRAC, 10 points for Rule Identification, 20 points for analysis, 5 points for conclusion, and 10 points for fully demonstrating the complete legal process in the answer). The finalexamination is due, type-written, via email by9:00 p.m (EST).,Tuesday, May 3rd, 2016 @, NO EXCEPTIONS. 9:01 p.m and after is LATE as Final Grades will be submitted for graduating seniors on May 4, 2016 and non-graduating seniors on May 6, 2016.


On January 1, 2015, Jackson Delivery Services entered into a three-year contractual agreement with Purple Rain Digital Company. Pursuant to the agreement, Jackson Delivery Services is required to deliver to all Best Buy stores on Tuesdays and Fridays of each week. Purple Rain Digital Company pays $1,000,000.00 per month to Jackson Delivery Services pursuant to the contract. Best Buy has a 10-year contract with Purple Rain Digital Company wherein pursuant to said contract, Best Buy pays Purple Rain Digital Company $15 million dollars a year for their products that are sold in exclusively in their stores. On October 1, 2015, a 30-day truck driver strike caused all delivery truck deliveries to cease for Jackson Delivery Services, so no deliveries were made. During the strike, Houston Delivery Services, aware of the strike, hired non-union drivers and contacted Purple Rain Digital Company to perform all deliveries during the strike only. On November 1, 2015, a day after the strike ceased, a severe snow storm caused a 30-day delay on all deliveries, meaning there were no deliveries in the month of November. On December 1, 2015, the roof at the Best Buy location at Arundel Mills Shopping Center collapsed and the store was closed until January 1, 2016. Therefore, between October 1, 2015 and December 31, 2015, no Purple Rain Digital Company products were sold.

QUESTION NO. 1: You have been hired to represent Purple Rain Digital Company.

QUESTION NO. 2: You have been hired to represent Jackson Delivery Services.

QUESTION NO. 3: You have been hired to represent Best Buy.

QUESTION NO. 4: You have been hired to represent Houston Delivery Services.

QUESTION NO. 5: You have been hired to represent Arundel Mills Shopping Center.

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Business Management: On january 1 2015 jackson delivery services entered into a
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