1. Suppose that you have 50,000 Mexican Pesos and you are planning to travel to Germany and thus you want to convert your MXN to EUR. The spot rates for MXN/USD = 18 and EUR/USD is 0.87. How much EUR will you receive for your MXN 50,000?
A. 2,777.78
B. 2,416.67
C. 3,192.85
D. 4,350.00
2. Louis David had 110,000 Zim dollar in his savings. On August 8, 2000, Zimbabwe changed the value of the Zim dollar from Z$38/U.S.$ to Z$50/U.S.$. Louis's Zim dollars after August 8 are worth:
A. USD 0.0263
B. 0.0200
C. 2,200.00
D. 2,894.74