On april 4 2015 mexco sold stock it held as an investment

On April 4, 2015, mexco sold stock it held as an investment. It had 300000 short term capital loss on the sale. It also sold a building, equipment, and the land under the building on July 1, 2015. Information about each asset is presented below. Mexco used MACRS depreciation on the equip and straight line dep. on the building. Additionally Mexo had a 75000 code sec 1231 loss last year and it has no code sec 1231 gains or losses in previous years. Mexco did not sell any other assets this year. What are the tax results of the sale?

Building Cost 700k Accum dep. to sale date 400k, amt realized on the sale 500k

Equip cost 200k, accum dept to sale 130k, amt realized on the sale 90k

Land cost 100k, amt realized on sale 300k

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Financial Accounting: On april 4 2015 mexco sold stock it held as an investment
Reference No:- TGS01149795

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