On a cold winter day, Bart slipped on an icy at the entrance to Tom's shop, Bart injured his as a result of the fall, and Tom hired a taxi to have him taken to the hospital to have his injured examined. On the way to the hospital, another automobile collided with the taxi, and Bart was seriously injured.
Answer all True or false questions:
1. Tom would be liable for the injuries suffered by Bart when Bart on the sidewalk front of shop. he should foreseen possibility of injury to customers when he slipped failed to remove the iee
2. Tom is liable for the injury to Bart as a result of the automobile accident, because he would not have been travelling in the taxi not injured his ankle at Tom's store
3. Bart as author of his own misfortune because he could have foreseen the risk of injury by walking on an icy sidewalk
4. Tom has strict liability for any injury to Bart, because he was the owner of the sidewalk.
5. The Court would likely consider what a reasonable person who would have done or foreseen in determining the duty of this case.