
Om 3073 introduction to research assessment - research

Introduction to Research Assessment - Research Project Report and Presentation

TASK - This assessment includes preparation of a research report, research proposal and presentation based on your first coursework (Literature Review). The total word count may be limited to 3000 words.

Task A - This research project report shall include the following sections:

  • Introduction: A brief introduction of the topic selected its significance and objectives of your study.
  • Methodology: Methods to complete the research.
  • Analysis and Discussion: It includes a detailed critical review and structured analysis of the research problem with concluding remarks.
  • References.

Task B: Research Proposal

You need to submit a proposal which includes aims, objectives, methodology and time plan (~500 words - excerpts from the above report). This work may be continued for your Year 4 dissertation on approval from the project supervisors.

The report to be submitted for this assessment should be simple and easy to understand, without any excessive use of jargon and complex statements. The text should be prepared on one-side of A4 sheet in single spacing and should be suitably divided into chapters as given below:

1. Introduction

2. Methodology

3. Analysis and Discussion

4. References

5. Research Proposal

Guidelines for preparation of the project report -

The following specifications may be used for the preparation of the text:

All Chapter titles: In capital letters, Arial, font size 16 bold, right aligned.

Section heading: Title case, Arial, font size 14, bold, left aligned.

Sub-sections: Title case Arial, font size 14, left aligned.

Text: the text must be divided into suitable paragraphs in single spacing in Arial font size 12, justified.

Use Harvard Style of referencing. Please make sure that all items mentioned in the list of references must be referred in the main text (and vice versa)

Your report may have the following sections:


Acknowledgements are to be placed after the cover page. This is a short section for thanking individuals and/or organizations who have helped, supported or co-operated with you in carrying out your research.


Abbreviations are to be inserted after acknowledgements. Write a list of abbreviations used in your report in alphabetical order and provide their expanded form. All the abbreviations must be used in the expanded form for their first appearance in the text with the abbreviations in brackets. For any further use in the report only this abbreviated form is to be written.

Table of Contents

The Table of contents is to be inserted after abbreviations. The section should be divided into three columns as:

  • The first column should contain the section /subsection numbering like 1.1, 2.1.1 etc.
  • The second column should be the title of the sections/sub sections against each item in column 1.
  • The third column relates to the page numbers for each section/sub section

Task C: Presentation

A PowerPoint presentation should be prepared for presenting the research project work carried out.

The presentation should be prepared for 15 minutes duration with not more than 10-12 slides and it must briefly explain the identification of the research problem, with the aims, objectives, methods and time plan.

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Dissertation: Om 3073 introduction to research assessment - research
Reference No:- TGS02797403

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