Question 1. In a regression analysis, the variable that is being predicted
- must have the same units as the variable doing the predicting
- is the independent variable
- usually is denoted by X
- is the dependent variable
- None of the above answers is correct.
Question 2. Which of the following statements is NOT correct about R-square?
- It is called coefficient of determination, and used to evaluate regression results.
- The value of R-square increases as more independent variables are added to a regression equation.
- It shows how well the variation of all explanatory (independent) variables account for the variation of a dependent variable.
- The closer its value gets to 1.0, the closer the variation of the dependent variable is accounted for by the variation of a particular explanatory variable.
- It the value is near zero, it is safe to say that the regression equation is not good.
Question 3. Shown below is a partial computer output from a regression analysis.
Predictor Coefficient StdError
Constant 10.00 2.00
X1 3.00 1.50
X2 4.00 2.00
X3 -2.50 -1.00
At alpha = 0.05, if the critical value of t = 2.12, is X1 significant?
- No, because 1.50 < 2.12
- No, because 2.00 < 2.12
- Yes, because 3.00 > 2.12
- Yes, because 2.00 < 2.12
- No, because 3.00 > 2,12
Question 4. A simple linear regression model can be represented as follows:
Y = a + bX + u
What is NOT a correct statement about u?
- It is referred to as the "random" or "error" term.
- Is does not give any systematic impact on Y.
- Once the model (equation) is estimated, u accounts for the deviation from the estimated equation.
- It is represented by the distance from the estimated straight line.
- It is an independent variable that affects the dependent variable.
Question 5. Which of the following statements is NOT correct about OLS method?
- It finds the line that maximizes the sum of the squared deviation of each data point from the line.
- It finds the line that minimizes the sum of the squared deviation of each data point from the line.
- It finds the line that maximizes the sum of the distance of each data point from the line.
- It finds the line that minimizes the sum of the distance of each data point from the line.
Question 6. F-test measures the statistical significance of each explanatory variable.
Question 7. What is correct about t-test?
- If the estimate of a coefficient is 14.2 and the standard error is 2.0, the t-value is 7.1.
- t-test measures the fitness of a regression equation to the data.
- If a t-value is very small - less than one, that means the variable is very significant.
- In conducting a t-test, we hypothesize the regression coefficient to be zero, and test that the null hypothesis. If it is proved true, then the coefficient is meaningful.
- All of above.
Question 8. Click demand data and using the data estimate the coefficients of the following equation: (I don’t have the Demand Data for this question)
Q = ( ) + ( ) P
- 181.2, -11.109
- 91.3, -0.006
- 1039.0, -0.048
- 164.8, -0.059
- 140.2, -1.256
Question 9. A demand equation is provided as follows:
log Q = log a + b log P
What is NOT true about the relationship?
- The demand has nonlinear relationship with price.
- One percent change of P is associated with b percent change of Q.
- b represents the point price elasticity of the demand.
- If a > 0 and b > 0, the demand increases at an increasing rate with respect to price.
- The greater is b, the greater the influence of P on Q.
Question 10. A demand equation is estimated as follows:
log Q = 100 - 2.5 log P + 0.5 Y, where Y is household income.
What is the correct statement about the equation?
- Price is more dominent variable than household income.
- Price change affects the demand five times more significantly than household income change.
- -2.5 represents the point price elasticity and 0.5 represents the point income elasticity.
- One percent increase of household income increases the demand by 0.5 percent.
- All of above.
Question 11. Durbin-Watson test detects Autocorrelation.
Question 12. When independent variables are related to each other, we have multicollinearity problem.