
Olcu 325this assignment requires you to articulate your

Leadership Skills Development Lab

Personal Philosophy of Leadership Development

This assignment requires you to articulate your personal philosophy of leadership development and your own development as a leader.

Both the paper and the 17 to 20 slide PowerPoint or Prezi should draw from existing leadership and leadership development theories, as well as the course readings, discussions and materials.

You will post your paper and your presentation in the respective Week Seven Assignment folders (drop box) on or prior to Sunday (midnight) of Week Seven.

Your paper and presentation should address the following topics:

A. An ideal leader

DETERMINE: In your opinion, what are the qualities of an ideal leader?

DESCRIBE: the characteristics, competencies, skills and traits that an ideal leader possesses and why?

Example: When thinking about an ideal leader you might consider a well-known leader who has positively impacted and influenced the lives
of others around the world. You may also choose someone in your local community that is impacting the lives of those around you, when
considering these traits.

B. Becoming a Leader

ASSESS: From your perspective, what does it take to become a leader in terms of training, education, networking, experience, character
development, mentoring etc. and why?

C. My Personal Leadership Development - Where are you now?

Writing in first person, look at your personal leadership development and your description of your ideal leader.

DETERMINE: Where you currently are in your development as a leader?

ADDRESS: What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses?

D. Where will you be?

ANALYSIS: What are the one or two areas of continuous improvement and how do you intend to work on those?

SYNTHESIS: Referring to the course textbook(s), what leadership traits might you wish to develop (focusing on those you have already
identified or those you wish to gain)?

Presentation content criteria:

• APA style/formattingo

Your APA title page (slide), Introduction slide, Transition slides (sub-headings) and Reference page(s) slides are not included in the
17 - 20 slide count.

o The 17 - 20 slides will consist of content that addresses the topics listed below.

o APA style/ formatting should be used to cite all references (in-text citations and for your References list (individual slide)).

• Visual constructs, graphs, charts & figureso

Visual aides, with explanation on the same slide, will count as a content based slide.

• Visual presentation medium -

o Please see your instructor for approval if you wish to utilize another visual presentation medium. These may include PowToon, Video
Scribe (Sparkol), Fiverr, Go Animate, etc.

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Dissertation: Olcu 325this assignment requires you to articulate your
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