
Off-going shift change meeting

This solution involves a case study (attached) in which a patient is supposed to have blood drawn but lab workers do not have a system for getting work done. It explains how responsibility and authority affect getting work done. It also utilizes the nine step decision making process to determine how to come up with a solution.

Case Study 1:

One of the shift leaders is holding the off-going shift change meeting. Joe asked the question, “Did the blood get drawn and sent to the laboratory for Ms. Jones?” Betty pointed at Bill and said, “I thought you were doing that?” Bill said, “No one told me! How come I am always the one?” Cheryl added that, “This has taken place three days in a row now!” Sam noted that, “It’s only routine work; it can wait. I drew it at the start of the shift.” Mary Jo spoke up and added, “There are some urine samples in the treatment room that can be taken to the lab.” Joe asked, “Who is in charge of lab work going to the lab?” Bill shouts, “It’s not me!!”

Question 1:

What do responsibility and authority have to do with decision making? Explain your answer with the use of research and references to defend your ideas. Also, feel free to add your own opinion(s).

Question 2:

Apply the 9-Step Decision-Making model below to the case study below. You must note each step as was shown in the practice case you worked above. For example: Step 1. The most critical problem in the case is…. Step 2. The ethics involved in the case are…… Step 3…. (as in the example above.)

9-Step-Decision-Making Model:

Step 1 - Identify the problem. This is the most important step. Without knowing what the real problem(s) is/are, there is little need to go on from this point. Look past the symptoms and red herrings. Do not read things into it and do not make assumptions. Ask yourself, “What is it that I can do something about or fix?” The real problem is the one that must be fixed first.

Step 2 - Examine the values and ethics. Ask yourself, “Is there something in the problem/case that is ethical in nature that I need to worry about?”

Step 3 - Generate alternatives. In this step, ask yourself, “Can I come up with random alternatives for fixing the problem/s without thinking if they would work or not?” In this step, you are brainstorming. As you think of an alternative, write it down on a slip of paper, drop it in a box, and go on to the next one. For example, "Do nothing" is an alternative. In this step, if you are thinking if or how well your alternatives would work, you may very well overlook some good ones.

These are just a few examples. The point is that they are all alternatives -- both good and not so good. You will be weeding them out in

Steps 4 and 5.

Step 4 - Prioritize alternatives. In this step you, will take all those alternatives out of the box and make a list of them, with the one you think is best at the top of the list. This is your good look at all your alternatives. You are just making a list that you will use in the next step. You are getting an idea of how you would go about fixing the problem(s).

How would you prioritize your alternatives?

Step 5 - Predict the consequences. In this step, take the list from Step 4 and look at each alternative. For each alternative, you will predict the consequences if it were to be implemented. It is in this step that you would make sure your ethical concerns are covered. This is the weeding out step in the model where you are now taking a very close look at those alternatives, and asking, “What would happen if I used this one?” You are finding the “acceptable” alternatives. It may be that in this step you find that none of your alternatives would work. What would you do? First, go back to Step 1 and make sure you have the real problem(s). If you are sure you have the correct problem(s), then go to Step 3 and start the process over.

Now that you have your prioritized list, what would be the consequences?

Step 6 - Prioritize acceptable alternatives. Now that you have taken a close look at all your alternatives and dropped any that may not work, make another list of those alternatives you feel are acceptable. This list will also have the alternative you think is best on the top of the list. You will then use this list in the next step.

It’s time for you to prioritize/rank your alternatives.

Step 7 - Develop a goal and plan of action. You would first come up with a goal. Next, you will use one or more of your alternatives from Step 6 and draw up a plan as to how you would go about fixing the problem. This step is your blueprint for fixing the problem.

What is your goal and plan?

Step 8 - Implement the plan. You will show the step-by-step process for putting your plan to work. It is not much more than who is going to do what and when. Ask yourself, “How I am going to take my plan (blueprint) from paper and put it to work (e.g., build the house)?”

What would be your Step 8?

Step 9 - Evaluation effectiveness of action. This is the second most important step in the model. In this step, you will show what data you collected, what measurement tools (such as a student T test) used and what standards you set. The evaluation step should not only show if the plan worked or how (data and measurement tools), but also to what degree (standards) it did or did not work.

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Other Management: Off-going shift change meeting
Reference No:- TGS01439376

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