
Of the following- political ideologies class race or

Comprehensive Essay on History of United States to 1865

I. You will complete a comprehensive essay covering US History to 1865. To do so, please design an essay around the following questions:

1. Of the following epochs in American history- Indigenous Civilizations, Colonial America, the Revolutionary War Era, the Early Republic, the Antebellum Period, or the Civil War-which had the most lasting legacy on today's society? And which had the least? Please be sure to refer to specific events, issues, or historical figures from these eras as evidence for your main ideas.

2. Secondly, has American power and expansion been a largely positive or negative force on global affairs? Cite several examples from various American wars, diplomacy, and cultural and economic exchange with countries around the world to prove your point.

3. Of the following- political ideologies, class, race, or gender- which has been the most significant source of division and conflict amongst Americans? In which era was this issue the most disruptive and damaging to society? Refer to specific instances of conflict based on these factors in the past and suggest why this issue is of prime importance to Americans.

4. Connecting your research: Based upon your work for the primary source analysis paper and Webliography, how does your topic relate to the previous questions about turning points in the American past, the impact of US world power, or sources of conflict in society? What lessons can you take from your research that speaks to these larger questions from American history?

II. For your introductory thesis and conclusion please argue which of these issues-progress and reform, domestic conflict and struggle, or global power and influence-is most critical to understanding U.S. history. When discussing certain topics in history be sure to acknowledge the differing schools of thought or paradigms used by historians on each subject that were highlighted in your lectures. You may use class lectures, readings, and other resources to answer these questions.


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History: Of the following- political ideologies class race or
Reference No:- TGS01394159

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