Sally bought a hamburger for $1. Her friend, John would also like a hamburger, but doesn't;t want to stand in line. John offers to buy sally's hamburger for $1. First, compute the consumer surplus John gets from buying the burger for $1, refusing Sally's offer and eating the burger. Next compute the consumer surplus Sally get from buying the burger for $1, selling it to Carl at $1.25, $1.75, $2.25, and purchasing another for $1.
-Assuming her cost of waiting in line is zero, what is the lowest of the offers listed she would accept?----Suppose the wait timer a burger is 1 minute. Considering the value of time, the cost of obtaining a burger for Sally is ..., and her consumer surplus for our chasing and consuming a burger is.... Of of the prices which is the lowest she would accept from John in exchange for her burger?