
Oedipus rex and a raisin in the sun


Oedipus Rex and A Raisin in the Sun.

These areas are considered:

1.Choose a tense or exciting moment in Oedipus Rex and A Raisin in the Sun.

2.What literary device or convention did the author use to develop that moment?

3.What do you think Oedipus Rex and A Raisin in the Sun imply about Sophocles' and Lorraine Hansberry's cultural identities?

4. Analyze the characterization, dramatic irony, plot, and conflict in Oedipus Rex and A Raisin in the sun.

5.Compare, contrast, and evaluate the themes, writing styles, and uses of dramatic devices and conventions in Oedipus Rex and A Raisin in the Sun.

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English: Oedipus rex and a raisin in the sun
Reference No:- TGS01927667

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