
Od programs

Answer the following within a word limit of 500 words:

1). What are the major diagnostic models and techniques used in OD programs?
2). How are these models used to identify system parameters and recognize, in turn, the symptoms, problems, and causes that result in ineffective organizations?
Ajay, K. S., & Sharma, V. (2011). Knowledge management antecedents and its impact on employee satisfaction. The Learning Organization, 18(2), 115-130.

Brock, W. B. (2013). Toward a diagnostic-dialogic model of organizational change: Synthesizing organizational change with accounting metrics (Order No. 3536439). Available from ABI/INFORM Global. (1328133920).

Brock, W. (2012). Synthesizing a systems perspective and organizational change: Principles of a whole-systems metrics model. Organization Development Journal, 30(3), 17-28.

Kopelman, R. E., Prottas, D. J., & Falk, D. W. (2010). Construct validation of a theory X/Y behavior scale. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 31(2), 120-135.

Stone, K. B., PhD. (2015). Burke-Litwin organizational assessment survey: Reliability and validity. Organization Development Journal, 33(2), 33-50.


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