
Obviously each one of you have set the goal or resolution

Obviously, each one of you have set the goal or "resolution" to learn more about sport management through this Masters degree program. Therefore, one of your resolutions is going to be (remember "mandatory fun") to learn more about one professional (not an athlete) in our field and his/her business strategies in order to create a New Year's Resolution for him/her!

After researching a sport management professional, tell us in your Discussion Post in the "The Lounge" what resolution you would suggest this person make in order to improve his/her business, management style, or even his/her personal life (touchy subject, no doubt!).

Not only will this Post tell us something about this sport management professional, but it will also tell us something about you and what your interests are in this field - so be sure to pick someone that you would want to model yourself after or perhaps learn from the mistakes he/she has made!

In your post, list the professional's name, title, organization, what your interest is in this person, what your suggestion is for a New Year's Resolution for him/her, and why you are suggesting it (your researched justification for why s/he should resolve to improve)!

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Business Management: Obviously each one of you have set the goal or resolution
Reference No:- TGS02182355

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