
Obtain relation for the variation of pressure in troposphere

Temperature varies with altitude. The variation in the temperature can be approximated by T=T0 -beta z, where T0 is the temperature at sea level, which is 288.15 K, and beta = 0.0065 K/m. The gravitational acceleration also changes with altitude as g(z)=g0 1(1+z/6,370,320)2where g0= 9.807 m/s2 and z is the elevation from sea level in m. Obtain a relation for the variation of pressure in the troposphere (a) by ignoring and (b) by considering the variation of g with altitude. The troposphere extends to an altitude of 11 km.

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Mechanical Engineering: Obtain relation for the variation of pressure in troposphere
Reference No:- TGS0726548

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