
Obtain a test of hypothesis that the salary adjusted

The JMP data table presents data concerning salary and other characteristics of all faculty in a small Midwestern college collected in the 1980's for presentation in legal proceedings for which discrimination against women in salary was at issue. All persons in the data table hold tenure track positions; temporary faculty are not included. The data were collected grom personnel files and consists of the variables described below:

The Data
The data variables are defined in the table below:
Variable Description
Sex Sex, 1 for female, 0 for male
Rank Rank: 1=Assistant Professor; 2=Associate Professor; 3=Full professor
Year Number of years in current rank
Degree Highest Degree: 0=Masters, 1=Doctorate
YSdeg Years since degree
Salary Academic year salary

Draw an appropriate graphic summary of the data and comment on the graph.

Test the hypothesis that the mean salary for men and women is the same. What alternative hypothesis is appropriate?

Obtain a test of hypothesis that the salary adjusted for years in current rank, highest degree, and years since highest degree is the same for all ranks, versus the alternative that the salaries are not the same. Test to see if the salary differential is the same in each rank.

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Basic Statistics: Obtain a test of hypothesis that the salary adjusted
Reference No:- TGS0105112

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