obsessive compulsive disorder ocdocd is another


OCD is another common neurotic disorder seen in the hospital. 


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is  the disorder characterized by  two main clinical  features, namely recurrent obsessions or compulsions (or a combination of both, that are severe enough to cause marked distress or significant impairment). 

Obsessions are defined as unwanted, intrusive, persistent ideas, thoughts, impulses, or images that cause marked anxiety or distress. The most common ones include repeated thoughts about contamination, repeated doubts, a need to have things in particular order aggressive or horrific impulses, sexuality and violence. 

Compulsion is defined as unwanted repetitive behavior patterns or mental acts (example praying, counting,  repeating words silently)  that are intended to reduce anxiety, not to provide pleasure or gratification. They may be performed in responsto an obsession or in a stereotyped fashion. The individual recognizes that the behavior is excessive or unreasonable but, because of  the feeling of  relief from discomfort that it provides, is compelled to continue the act. Thepost common compulsions  involve washing of clothes and cleaning,  counting, checking, hand washing, etc. 

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Biology: obsessive compulsive disorder ocdocd is another
Reference No:- TGS0176334

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