
Observe the aharonov-bohm effect

A toroidal solonoid with N windings and current I has its central axis oriented along the z-axis. The cross section of the toroid surface upon which the windings are wound is rectangular with height h along the z-axis from z= -h/2 to z= +h/2. The inner and outer radii of the toroid are R1 and R2, respectively.

Find the magnetic field within the z=0 plane as a function of the radial distance s from the central axis.

Find the magnetic vector potential within the z=0 plane as a function of the radial dstance s fom the central axis.

Sketch what the vector potential looks like in this plane.

Describe how the toroidal solonoid or toroidal magnetic field can be used to observe the Aharonov-Bohm effect.

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Physics: Observe the aharonov-bohm effect
Reference No:- TGS0739246

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